Results for 'Surjeet Kaurl Chahal'

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  1.  32
    Causes of Misinterpretation of Gurbani and Misrepresentation of Sikhism and the Solution.Devinder Singh Chahal - 2001 - Philosophy 3 (1):13.
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    Off-trial access to experimental cancer agents for the terminally ill: balancing the needs of individuals and society.M. Chahal - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (6):367-370.
    The development of cancer therapies is a long and arduous process. Because it can take several years for a cancer agent to pass clinical testing and be approved for use, terminal cancer patients rarely have the time to see these experimental therapies become widely available. For most terminal cancer patients the only opportunity they have to access an experimental drug that could potentially improve their prognosis is by joining a clinical trial. Unfortunately, several aspects of clinical trial methodology that are (...)
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    Performance Analysis of an Optimized ANN Model to Predict the Stability of Smart Grid.Ayushi Chahal, Preeti Gulia, Nasib Singh Gill & Jyotir Moy Chatterjee - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-13.
    The stability of the power grid is concernment due to the high demand and supply to smart cities, homes, factories, and so on. Different machine learning and deep learning models can be used to tackle the problem of stability prediction for the energy grid. This study elaborates on the necessity of IoT technology to make energy grid networks smart. Different prediction models, namely, logistic regression, naïve Bayes, decision tree, support vector machine, random forest, XGBoost, k-nearest neighbor, and optimized artificial neural (...)
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  4. Women Empowerment in Present Times.Desh Raj Sirswal & Dinesh Chahal - 2014 - In R. B. S. Verma, GENDER MAINSTREAMING:PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS. pp. 110-114.
    Women Empowerment in Present Times -/- Dr. Dinesh Chahal (Department of Education, Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh) -/- Dr. Desh Raj Sirswal (Department of Philosophy, P.G. Govt. College for Girls, Sector-11, Chandigarh) -/- India is one of the developing nations of the modern world. It has become an independent country, a republic, more than a half century ago. During this period the country has been engaged in efforts to attain development and growth in various areas such as building infrastructure, (...)
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    Fertility and Family Planning in Greater Bombay. By J. R. Rele and T. Kanitkar. Pp. v + 217. (Popular Prakashan, Bombay, 1980.) Rs.6.00. [REVIEW]S. M. S. Chahal - 1982 - Journal of Biosocial Science 14 (4):501-502.
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  6.  14
    Exploring the profile of green consumers: Role of demographics and factors influencing green purchase behavior.Pooja Mehta & Harpreet Singh Chahal - 2024 - Business and Society Review 129 (2):225-257.
    In the past decades, the world has witnessed significant growth in environmental issues such as the generation of waste, climatic changes, and depletion of natural resources. Due to this, there has been a substantial upsurge in consumers who prefer green products. Hence, exploring the stable set of characteristics of green consumers becomes extremely important for organizations to develop customer‐oriented targeting and segmenting strategies. The present study attempts to explore key factors influencing green purchase behavior and the behavioral profile of green (...)
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  7.  20
    Early Life Stress Predicts Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Mediating Role of Perceived Stress.Ian H. Gotlib, Lauren R. Borchers, Rajpreet Chahal, Anthony J. Gifuni, Giana I. Teresi & Tiffany C. Ho - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundExposure to early life stress is alarmingly prevalent and has been linked to the high rates of depression documented in adolescence. Researchers have theorized that ELS may increase adolescents’ vulnerability or reactivity to the effects of subsequent stressors, placing them at higher risk for developing symptoms of depression.MethodsWe tested this formulation in a longitudinal study by assessing levels of stress and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic in a sample of adolescents from the San Francisco Bay Area who had been characterized (...)
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